empowering the bodies we have

so we can do what we want to do

MoveAnyWay Fitness Class Offerings on Zoom

Stretch & Balance

Monday and Friday, 11AM PT

45-50 minute class


AAAHHH, a body that feels good! This class explores various stretching, balance and postural exercises to find what works best for our individual bodies. Our goal will be a body that feels comfortable to live in and that stays upright. This gives us a good basis to actively do the things we want to do with our lives. We do standing, seated and on-the-floor positions, and adapt the movements for any body. Basic equipment: A sturdy chair and a pad for the floor (like a yoga mat or big towel).


Cardio Drumming

Thursday, 11AM PT

28-32 minute class


Have an experience of this playful, versatile path to fitness. Cardio Drumming lets our old favorite music from the ‘50s and ‘60s move us in new ways, with aerobic + coordination + other benefits. Sometimes we learn new patterns and songs as well as practice what we already know. Other days we focus on a non-stop cardio session. Good for all fitness levels, seated or standing. Watch the “No Drummer Left Behind” video below to invent your special drum.

MoveManyWays for Fitness

Monday, Thursday and Friday, 7PM PT

28-32 minute session


Let’s explore together the many facets of fitness! To the background of old familiar music, we’ll experiment with the many ways we can move while mostly staying seated, with the option to sing along. Build your health and resiliency in a class that’s different each time, and responsive to the special needs of participants. All you have to bring is a sturdy chair, bare feet, and a desire to play!



Join us! Book your classes now!

To schedule and purchase a class online, click the “book class” button below. You’ll be taken to a page where you can schedule a single class. While there, you can click the “store” link at the top of the page to purchase either a class card or membership contract.


 One-on-One Personal Training on Zoom


I’d love to help you to reach
your unique fitness goals!

25 minute session, $35

Let’s co-create a fitness experience that’s specifically designed for your needs. Using objects you already have around the house as fitness equipment, we can build a program exactly for you. The goal? Empowering the body you have so you can do what you want to do.


No Drummer Left Behind

You can join the beat using equipment you already have around the house. Use these ideas to find the perfect drum for you.


About me

My interest in the dynamic field of senior fitness grew keener when our pandemic entered the scene. “Why can’t exercise be playful as well as effective?” my gym-resistant, increasingly stiff body asked me. I took a snoop around, and discovered functional fitness as a way to make workout time more effective and relevant. And for playful? Cardio Drumming and MoveManyWays are perfect! Then I discovered the joys of gentle Stretch & Balance as a way to round it out. I’m enjoying trying on all those ideas, as well as looking for more ways to have it all. Hope you’ll join me for the adventure!

– Mariah Kaye